Aria Travel
Aria Travel & Events is founded by a group of Tourism Management and Marketing professionals. Knowledgeable, experienced, enthusiast and passionate about travel, natural beauties, culture, and history, responsible and sustainable tourism we started this company to follow our Moto: Dream, Explore, Discover!
A uthentic
R emarkable
I nspirational
A dventures

T ailored
R eal Life
A ctive
V ibrant
E xclusive
L ife changing Experiences

Why choose us:
Our thoughtful team of most experienced and knowledgeable experts, managers and guides are here to provide you with full support, from the first e-mail to the last salute, for your experience be tailored, unique, local,memorable, detail focused
Our team of new arrivals are genuine, friendly, enthusiastic to help you with everything, and eager to learn more…
A hundred percent of our travelers survived our
trips, great percentage, isn’t it?
That’s our second name
Please read our online legal agreement.
Our contract is based and according to the Law and regulations in the Republic of Albania.